Why should you rethink about your menu when you can easily use the one you already have? Don’t touch your classic menu, MenuQr don't edit, transform it in a digital one and you won’t have to spend more resources and time in cleaning menus. Innovation doesn’t mean upheaval, but adaptation and integration, for a better result.
DETAILSYou can update your menu in a fast and easy way from your private area whenever and wherever you want, without constraints. Doing that you will save resources and time spent for cleaning or in printing disposable menus.
DETAILSWe conceive a new method for directly print a “stand” on a paper sheet that you can customize with your logo and put it on tables: with a few folds you can immediately use MenuQr inside your local.
DETAILSOur free service helps you to save time and money otherwise spent in sanitizing classic menus.
A technological leap that with other operators would entail additional costs for your business. MenuQr wants to give you real support, at no cost.
Un esempio di risparmio:
Risparmio Materiale per igenizzare | |
Risparmio su costi menù usa e getta | |
Riprogettazione sito web non necessaria | |
Riprogettazione menù non necessaria | |
Rispamio Tempo prezioso |
Spesso vi è la necessità di aggiornare il menù e a prima vista potrebbe sembrare complicato e svantaggioso: non è così. Con MenuQr potrai modificare il tuo menù tutte le volte che vorrai, semplicemente ricaricando un nuovo file PDF. Ci vorrà davvero pochissimo tempo e non dovrai generare un nuovo QR code. Le tue stampe sono al sicuro.
Una volta creato il tuo locale, il sistema genererà per te un identificativo univoco e ne associerà il QR code. Devi aggiornare il menù? Nessun problema, il QR rimarrà identico e mostrerà l'ultimo menù aggiornato.
Modifica intuitiva del menù | |
Il QR code non cambia | |
Aggiornamenti illimitati | |
QR code illimitati |
StandQr è stato ideato per semplificare l'impiego del nostro servizio. Non è necessario acquistare nessun tipo di supporto, bastano un paio di forbici e qualche piega. StandQr si può stampare su tutti i tipi di carta (2 per foglio a4, noi consigliamo il cartoncino sottile) oppure plastificare e piegarlo successivamente. A voi la scelta di utilizzo.
Il cliente finale non dovrà far altro che inquadrare il codice QR, e in un attimo avrà a portata di dispositivo il vostro menù. In questo modo garantirai la serenità del cliente in primis, e allevierai il lavoro del tuo staff, il quale a fine servizio non dovrà sprecare energia e tempo per igienizzare le carte menù.
StandQr Go | |
StandQr Personal | |
Linee di taglio e piega | |
Design bello, semplice e intuitivo |
You need a few information for easily create your account
with your personal account you can add a limitless number of activities
Use the login form for log into the platform safely and with all your devices
Created for being easy-to-use and intuitive
NO application download needed
You can have access from all devices
We have reduced all the activity for using MenuQr in a few passages, that means few seconds for receiving your personal QR code.
Enter the name of your own place for the identification.
Drop your PDF menù into the box and wait for the upload of the document, it will take a few seconds.
Using the PDF format, you will easily and personally manage your menú.
Each place is unique, it means that the QR code will be strictly related to your own activity.
We have reduced all the activity for using MenuQr in a few passages, that means few seconds for receiving your personal QR code.
The cheapest solution but effective. Download our StandQr in A4 format ready for being printed and positioned on the tables of your place.
The GO version of StandQr, ready without any modification.
Print the Personal version of StandQr, we dedicated a space on the top for letting you to personalize the StandQr with your logo.
Catone, 234-149 a.C
MenuQr is an idea that grew from the needs of whoever, every day, is working in that field. From who every day had to go on in its daily activities and at the same time, face with the big amount of costs that the Covid-19 pandemic have generated.
We want to put our effort and we want to be part of the restart, helping whom, in a normal situation, used to be a player in making us like child in enjoying life. MenuQr by payment would be a non-sense if we look at the reasons why it was born. Our wants would be of being partner in difficulties, as in normal moments, in the hard goal to restart, technologically in advance an more motivated.
Copyright © MenuQr ™ - Creato da | Andrea Ioele with